
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Introducing Version 1.1.1, now available with exciting new features: AI Time Categorization, AI Breakdown Report, a revamped tracker UI and functionality, an enhanced Add User Modal, manual time expiry and reminder days functionality, deep linking in notifications, and many more.
New Features:
AI Time Categorization:
This report categorizes user activities to provide clear insights into user actions during a specific date range, with enhanced AI-based reporting.
AI Breakdown Report
Tracker New UI and Functionality Implementation:
The tracker functionality has been enhanced, allowing users to log into their SSO accounts with a single click. A new UI has also been implemented, featuring both light and dark modes.
New Implementation of Add User Modal:
Enhanced UI and functionality have been implemented in the add user section, allowing the addition of multiple access-level users at a single time.
Add Multiple Users
Manual Time Expiry and Reminder Days Functionality Implementation:
New functionality has been added to the organizational settings, enabling users to set manual time entry request reminders and expiry days according to their preferences.
Deep Linking on Notification Module:
Deep linking has been implemented throughout the notifications section, allowing users to click and navigate to locations based on notifications.
Activity Logs from the Dashboard Section:
Activity logs from the dashboard screen have been implemented, allowing users to see what team members have logged during the day through the dashboard section.
Set New Password Implementation:
SSO users can now set new passwords for their timegram accounts.
Show Completed Tasks Implementation:
Completed tasks have been removed from the projects page and will only appear when the toggle for "show completed" is clicked.
Bug Fixes:
Adding Client in Project Bug Fix:
The bug related to adding clients to projects has been fixed. Users will now be notified of errors in case of any missing fields.
Projects Page Pagination Fix:
The projects page pagination bug has been resolved, allowing users to navigate to the desired page rather than always going to the first page.
Important Notice Pop-Up Fixed While on Dummy Data:
The important notice pop-up will now only appear once, resolving the issue where it would flicker multiple times.
Onboarding Screen Mid-Align Text Fields:
Text boxes are now aligned on all onboarding pages.
Organization-Onboarding Routing Fixes:
All routing issues have been resolved.
Email Notifications on Dummy Data:
Email notifications are now disabled for organizations using dummy data.
Date Range Retention on Sub-Drawers:
Date range retention has been implemented across all sub-drawers.
Notification UI Changes: Empty State:
The notification pop-over UI has been updated for the empty state.
Profile Pop-Over Options Text Change:
Enhancements to the profile pop-over options have been published.
Introducing Version 1.1.0, now available with exciting new features: a streamlined onboarding flow, a comprehensive notifications module, single sign-on (SSO) integration, an enhanced plan selection process, and the highly requested Tracker Module revamp.
New Features:
Complete New Onboarding Flow:
New onboarding flow have been implemented.
Single Sign-On Implementation:
Users can now sign up on timegram using Google, Microsoft, and Apple accounts.
Tracker Page Revamp:
  • Logging of highlights up to a maximum of 30 days.
  • Logging of highlights on an interval basis.
  • New UI for the tracker page.
  • Removal of the 'Add Highlights' drawer.
Notification Module:
Users can now receive notifications both in-app and via email, including:
  • Daily Organization Performance Report
  • Daily Productivity Report
  • Weekly Time Digest
  • Daily Log Reminder
  • Task Due Reminder Email
  • Create New Task Email
  • Manual Time Email
  • Manual Time Approve Email
Billing Section Revamp:
New UI of the billing section has been implemented. The billing section now includes the following subsections:
  • Overview Page
  • Invoices and Payments Page
  • All Plan Page
Plan Selection Implementation:
Users can now choose between two plans during onboarding:
  • Tracking Plan
  • Planning Pro Plan
Extended Free Trial:
The free trial period has been extended from 7 days to 14 days.
Profile Picture Initials:
Auto-generated profile pictures based on the initials of the user's first and last name.
Task Creation Email Approvals:
Users can now approve or reject new tasks directly from their email.
Removed Profile Picture Upload Button:
To enhance user experience, the upload profile picture button has been removed.
Project Tags Optional:
Tags are no longer mandatory when creating projects; users can choose to add tags at their discretion.
Default Values for Invited Users:
When inviting users, the default capacity is set to 32hr/week and the cost rate to $25/hour.
Report Filter Update:
The "Last 28 days" filter has been replaced with a "Last 30 days" filter option on all reports.
Bug Fixes:
Few bugs have been resolved in the following modules.
  • Manual time entry module
  • Teams module
  • Analytics module
Version 1.0.9 is now available, featuring improvements to Timesheets and an automatic tracker update feature.
Enhanced Timesheet Module with Additional Filters:
Enhanced the Timesheet module with additional filters, allowing users to filter timesheets by client, billable and non-billable projects. Users can now view timesheets based on projects they logged hours for on specific dates, along with access to activity logs for tasks.
Auto-Update Tracker Feature Implementation:
Introduced an auto-update tracker feature, eliminating the need for users to uninstall and download new versions manually. The tracker will now update automatically upon the arrival of a new version.
Manual Time Email Notifications Hierarchy Implementation:
Implemented a hierarchy for manual time email notifications, directing emails to the corresponding manager and admin for improved efficiency.
Launch of Chrome Extensions for Meeting Tracking:
Launched timegram Chrome and Firefox extensions to enhance meeting tracking accuracy and efficiency.
Resolution of Password Screen Validation Issue and Manual Time Module Bugs:
Resolved the password screen validation issue and fixed bugs related to manual time features.
Disablement of Adding Clients to Projects from User Access Levels:
Disabled the ability for users to add clients to projects from user access levels, ensuring better control over project management.
Resolution of Linux Tracker Issues:
Addressed Linux tracker issues such as tracking pauses during machine sleep or lock events.
The Version 1.0.8 has arrived, featuring the highly requested addition of Zapier integration
Zapier Integration:
The Zapier integration is now live, enabling users to currently connect timegram with Jira through Zapier. Additional integrations will be made available in the near future.
Implementation of Free Trial Plan:
A free trial plan has been implemented, allowing users to access all pro features for the initial 7 days after onboarding.
New UI for Loading Screen:
An updated UI of loading screen has been implemented during the onboarding process.
Enhanced UI for Integrations Page:
A new UI screen for the integrations page has been implemented.
Bug Resolutions in Insights Module:
Several bugs within the insights module have been addressed and resolved.
Bugs Resolution in Manual Time Entry Module:
Several bugs withing the manual time entry module have resolved.
The version 1.0.7 is here. It comes with the 2 most highly requested features.
Select All Activities Feature:
The Select All Activities option allows you to choose all your daily Highlights (activities in the Tracker) with a single click to help you efficiently log time for your tasks.
Select All Activities
Exclude Domains Feature:
The Exclude Domain section allows users to add domains they don't want the Highlights app to track in the list, making logging activities to tasks even faster than before.
It is currently accessible exclusively for Windows and Mac users. We are actively working on extending this functionality to Linux users, and we aim to include it in the upcoming release.
To enable this feature, Windows and Mac users must download the latest tracker application. Once installed, you'll be able to use this feature.
Exclude Domains
Exclude Domains 2
Revenue Report:
The "Revenue Break Down Per Employee Report" is now live.
Issues with the Revenue report have been fixed, ensuring accurate reports.
Progress Bar:
The percentage from the progress bar is now removed.
Invoice Creation:
Users can create invoices by selecting the current day date as well.
Expected Time Field:
The Expected time field is now split into two fields, hours and minutes.
Quick Add Pop-Over:
The Quick Add pop-over issue is resolved.
Default Team:
The default team is now available in all reports.
Date Filters:
The "Today" filter has been removed from all reports and from timesheets as well.
Text Updates:
Text updated from the reports home page of the Revenue Report and Cost Report.
Chat Box:
The chat box issue is resolved, and it is now working fine.
Dummy Data Disclaimer:
Important note is now implemented and shown on dummy data.
Revenue Report - Dummy Data:
Issues with the revenue report in dummy data have been resolved.
Add Client to Existing Projects Feature:
This feature allows users to add clients to projects after their initial creation.
Quick Adds (All 11 Popovers):
Save buttons have been added to all popovers, including the project screen, create project, edit team, edit project, and edit task, as per requirements.
Estimated vs. Actual Time Report:
The Estimated vs. Actual time report is now live in the analytics section.
Timesheets Optimization:
Loading speed has been optimized, resulting in a quicker timesheet display compared to the previous speed.
Apps and Website Report Optimization:
Loading speed has been optimized, resulting in faster display times for apps and website reports.
Sorting of highlights in descending order:
Sorting has been implemented now highlights will be sorted in descending order.
Timesheet Screen UI Update:
The UI of the timesheet screen has been updated in accordance with the requirements.
Analytics Main Page UI Update:
The UI of the analytics main page has been updated according to requirements.
Approve Manual Time Entry Requests via Emails:
Admins and managers can now approve manual time entry requests via email.
Popover Search Fixes:
Popover search functionality has been fixed, allowing users to search by team name within popovers.
Task Update Issue Resolution (Changing User When Time Is Logged):
The issue of updating tasks, particularly changing users when time has been logged, has been resolved. Users can now make changes via the task drawer.
Minor UI Issue Fixes:
Various minor UI issues have been addressed and fixed.
FB token updated
Decrypt function for Appsumo code
Antd version updated
UI Fixes:
Numerous fixes have been made to the web application, addressing various issues.
Team's Side Issues:
Several issues on the team's side have been resolved, including the problem related to changing team leads.
Manual Time Entry:
The manual time entry feature, which allows users to submit, review, or approve manual time requests, has been implemented.
Date Range Picker Values Retention:
Work has been done to ensure that the date selected in the date range picker is retained across all sub-drawers, maintaining consistency.
Show My Task Only Button:
This button is now available for owners and administrators as well.
Scroll Bar Issues:
Numerous scroll bar issues have been fixed.
Add Highlights Drawer Issues:
An issue where a message indicating separate logs were saved appeared when clicking the save button without selecting any activity has been resolved.
Resend Verification Feature:
The new feature enables users to resend verification emails to individuals who are in a pending state.
Implementation of security layer:
Implemented CSP (Content Security Policy) on both staging and production branches.
Project Drawer Update:
Certain changes have been made to the drawer interface. Now, instead of displaying active members, it shows active teams, aligning with our current flow of assigning teams to projects.
The new flow of Webflow onboarding:
Implemented new onboarding flow from the webflow website according to the requirement.
Report Optimization:
Optimized CRON Job function.
Index and rules backup files:
Back up all old indexes.