Version 1.0.9 is now available, featuring improvements to Timesheets and an automatic tracker update feature.
Enhanced Timesheet Module with Additional Filters:
Enhanced the Timesheet module with additional filters, allowing users to filter timesheets by client, billable and non-billable projects. Users can now view timesheets based on projects they logged hours for on specific dates, along with access to activity logs for tasks.
Auto-Update Tracker Feature Implementation:
Introduced an auto-update tracker feature, eliminating the need for users to uninstall and download new versions manually. The tracker will now update automatically upon the arrival of a new version.
Manual Time Email Notifications Hierarchy Implementation:
Implemented a hierarchy for manual time email notifications, directing emails to the corresponding manager and admin for improved efficiency.
Launch of Chrome Extensions for Meeting Tracking:
Launched timegram Chrome and Firefox extensions to enhance meeting tracking accuracy and efficiency.
Resolution of Password Screen Validation Issue and Manual Time Module Bugs:
Resolved the password screen validation issue and fixed bugs related to manual time features.
Disablement of Adding Clients to Projects from User Access Levels:
Disabled the ability for users to add clients to projects from user access levels, ensuring better control over project management.
Resolution of Linux Tracker Issues:
Addressed Linux tracker issues such as tracking pauses during machine sleep or lock events.